Monday, January 28, 2013

Fantasy Warfare III

Making little tweaks to the concept. I replaced the script with a new font as the script just seemed out of place with the overall concept. Also - figured it out and added in a new interlocking "SF" logo. I'm really proud of how it came out as I think the "SF" is one of the stronger items I've done.

SF Bees Version 2.0
I'm also debuting what may be the proposed 'Road' and 'Home' uniforms:

Bees' Home (L) and Road (R) uniforms
I tried to keep this as simple as the logos; nothing flashy, but a solid baseball look. Typically, the city name would be on the road grays, however "San Francisco" just didn't look right to me. The interlocking SF is pulling double duty (and is reminiscent of the Giants' 1983 - 1993 road uniforms). My ony issue is how I can't seem to find a home for the honeycomb/hive logo. The initial home plate icon was just a throw-away, but it really adds to the uniform (and makes a great BP hat!). My only issue now is to see how this looks with pinstripes, but not wanting to make it look like Major League III's Buzz:


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